"The success of love is in the loving" – Mother Teresa


I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. ::. Jeremiah 31:13

Joselyn is full of joy, life and play. It’s no coincidence that her name means “playful.” Jocelyn likes to play to the point of trouble, whether it’s hanging from trees or obliviously giggling while the older girls throw her around like a rag doll…she’s fearless when it comes to having fun, at least until she gets a giant bump on her head (that’s happened 3 times since I’ve been here). Joselyn is so incredibly easy to love…sure, like any 5 year old she has her stubborn moments, but more than anything, she loves to love and she loves being loved. One of my favorite parts about Jocelyn is her goofy dancing. Unlike most of the girls who’ve mastered all the right Latina moves (yeah, even at such a young age they can dance really really well! I’ve done a good job of proving I’m a dorky, white, Gringa when it comes to dancing… :P) Jocelyn’s got the jerky, uncoordinated moves that just so happen to look like a bad-ass hip-hop routine. I can totally picture her wearing some faded baggy jeans and a lil’ backwards cap,  busting out some sweet hip-hop moves. Maybe someday…

Jocelyn comes from a family from the dump (I think) comprised of a mom, lots of brothers and sisters and many different dads. They live in a house so small that they all have to sleep in the same room, often with the mom’s many sexual partners. Jocelyn has witnessed far more than any 5 year old, or any child for that matter, should ever have to see in their lifetime. I’m not sure how the men in her life have treated her or her mom, but I’m sure none of them have received the Dad of the Year award. What’s most amazing is that despite what we know, as adults, about her mom and the poor decisions she makes, Jocelyn absolutely loves her unconditionally. Her face lights up when her mom comes to pick her up for a weekend visit and she scrambles as fast as she can to greet her at the door. If only everyone could love so unconditionally like a child… the world would be such a different place.

It’s truly been a blessing to have Jocelyn here knowing that she has a chance to outgrow the darkness and sorrow that I’ve seen on the faces of some of the older girls here before it even reaches her. Through God’s grace Jocelyn has a chance to truly be a kid here at Casa Havilah and be raised with joy, comfort and most of all love. Please play for Jocelyn…and Jocelyn’s mom too.

P.S. We have internet now!! More regular updates are on the way!

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